Fall Maintenance for Home Owners

Now that fall has officially made its way to Texas, prepping your home for winter can be very important in the long run…

Check out these areas in your home that need a little TLC for the season! 

Chimney & Fireplace Fall road

Your chimney and fireplace needs to be cleaned for the winter time, especially if you like to use it more often. Creosote can buildup in your chimney, ultimately causing fires, and not the good kind.. 


Check your windows and doors, and caulk/seal where necessary. Insulating these entry areas will not only prevent insect and spiders from entering, but the cold as well when it starts to get chilly! This will also save you in heating bills!


With the change in weather, comes the change in leaves! And while they will look pretty right now, they will soon collect in your gutters! Sitting dead leaves can become attractive to pests and mold! During rainstorms, clogged gutters can also cause pools  Make sure to clear and clean your gutters of leaves during this time.


Inspect your roof for any shingle damage, as well as flashing around the seams. Also you might want to think about cutting low hanging branches above your roof.

Water Heater

During this time you will also want to drain your water heater of any buildup sediment. Draining your water heater will approve its efficiency! Say ‘no’ to cold showers in the winter mornings! 


Make sure to clear dirty air filters – especially if you have pets! Dirty air filters filled with debris prevents your furnace from functioning properly, causing you to be cold and your heating bill to increase!

Hope these tips helped! Now go out and enjoy this perfect weather before the cold winter settles in! 

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