Simple Upgrades For Your Bathroom

Face lifts don’t have to be expensive! Or at least in your house’s case! Whether you think your home needs a little pick me up, or you are trying to sell your home quick, here’s some great, inexpensive, and EASY tricks that will help transform your bathroom

Change Out Your Faucets 3122 Camelot Dr. 4

Changing your bathroom, shower, and kitchen faucets is an easy upgrade. Throw out those old 90’s clear faucets for some upgraded and modern brass faucets. You’ll be surprised how much of a different it makes! For more information on this D.I.Y tip, click here! 

Frame Your Bathroom Mirrors 

Yet another simple and easy upgrade, if you didn’t get the trend from the title. Framing your bathroom mirrors will instantly give your bathroom that wow factor found in HGTV and Good Housekeeping. For more information on this D.I.Y tip, click here!

Repaint Your Cabinets 

While you’re in the bathroom, metaphorically, you’ll want that framed mirror to match your cabinets. Unsure where to start with this tip? Click here!

Replace Shower Heads

Next, think about replacing old shower heads with new, WIDE, shower heads. The clean and modern look of these shower heads will really impress home buyers, or if you’re not trying to sell your home, your family will really appreciate it! For inspiration, check out these shower head upgrades, click here!

Hang Long Curtains For Showers 

Most people don’t think to do this, but hanging 2 long window curtains as a your shower curtain, actually makes your bathroom ceiling look taller! Don’t believe me? Check out these examples! Click here!

Replace Light Fixtures 

Let there be light! Hide those ugly bulbs with new, modern light fixtures! But, whatever you do, make sure you have plenty of “good” light, “good” light. And yes, I repeated that. Good light is important for bathrooms. Whether in the shower shaving your legs, your by the bathroom mirror examining your face, good light is a huge factor. Good light means well lit, and attractively lit. Still don’t get it? Check out these examples, click here!

Spray Paint Old Vents 

Lastly, take a look at your air vents. Whether on the ceiling or on the wall. Air vents get pretty groddy after awhile. A simple trick is to unscrew them, and simply spray paint! And while you’re thinking, why don’t you just wash them?? That may work with new air vents, old air vents will have years and years of crud on them. By spray painting them, they’ll look practically new! Need more information on this D.I.Y tip, click here!

Scary Real Estate Terms Unmasked…

Buying a house in general can be scary! But we’re here to help you Scooby Doo those really scary real estate lingo! Here are 5 terms we’ve unmasked for you…


Due Diligence

Responsibility…now that’s a scary word. Due Diligence pretty much just refers to the responsible steps a responsible buyer or seller must take in order to satisfy a legal requirement. To break the word down: “due” obviously means someone has to submit something (like payments, resources, etc.). Then diligence, according to the dictionary means “careful or persistent work or effort.” So to sum it all up, buying a house is a HUGE responsibility, one that requires diligence….. get it?



Escrow sounds pretty scary but its not at all! The escrow is the middle man between the buyer and seller. They are the third party in the agreement who is responsible for making sure all steps, processes, documents, etc. are fulfilled before anyone gets their money! 



Appraisal is pretty easy to debunk. An appraisal on anything, but specifically on your house in this case, is just how much your home is worth. While appraisals are highly based on opinion, they can be your best friend, your very honest best friend when you’re in denial. Appraisals can be determined on a number of factors including: location, age of your house, upgrades or improvements done on your house, etc. So while appraisals can be scary…they mean good…


Contingent Offer

So contingent offers are actually very good for buyers, and not so much sellers.  Contingent offers means that you put in an offer for a house, and the seller accepted (yay!) but before you fully commit, you have some conditions. (Playing hard to get, huh?) While the seller can still look at other offers, you are still number one and if they don’t meet these requirements (i.e. an appraisal, home inspection, etc.) you can totally take your offer off the table and move on! 


Seller’s Disclosure

Seller’s Disclosures can be scary, but if the house is the right one, then its meant to be. Let’s paint this scenario, you have found the PERFECT house (close to the kid’s schools, huge backyard for Fido, etc.) so you put in an offer and receive the seller’s Disclosure…uh oh… termite problems, septic tank might need replacing soon? Uh.. buh bye! Seller’s Disclosure is pretty much what the seller knows about the house and letting the potential buyer know. While this can be bad for the seller, depending on the situation, they can actually help seller’s avoid legal actions!


Ready to take the plunge, fight your fears, and start looking for a property? Click here!


Fall Maintenance for Home Owners

Now that fall has officially made its way to Texas, prepping your home for winter can be very important in the long run…

Check out these areas in your home that need a little TLC for the season! 

Chimney & Fireplace Fall road

Your chimney and fireplace needs to be cleaned for the winter time, especially if you like to use it more often. Creosote can buildup in your chimney, ultimately causing fires, and not the good kind.. 


Check your windows and doors, and caulk/seal where necessary. Insulating these entry areas will not only prevent insect and spiders from entering, but the cold as well when it starts to get chilly! This will also save you in heating bills!


With the change in weather, comes the change in leaves! And while they will look pretty right now, they will soon collect in your gutters! Sitting dead leaves can become attractive to pests and mold! During rainstorms, clogged gutters can also cause pools  Make sure to clear and clean your gutters of leaves during this time.


Inspect your roof for any shingle damage, as well as flashing around the seams. Also you might want to think about cutting low hanging branches above your roof.

Water Heater

During this time you will also want to drain your water heater of any buildup sediment. Draining your water heater will approve its efficiency! Say ‘no’ to cold showers in the winter mornings! 


Make sure to clear dirty air filters – especially if you have pets! Dirty air filters filled with debris prevents your furnace from functioning properly, causing you to be cold and your heating bill to increase!

Hope these tips helped! Now go out and enjoy this perfect weather before the cold winter settles in! 

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Top 5 Places to Visit With Your Dog

Ipexels-photo-68798f you’re anything like me, you like to go places with your best friend, and by best friend, I mean your furry best friend. We mean the world to them, and how can you not feel guilty as you grab your car keys and catch a slight glimpse of those sad puppy eyes and they realize that you are leaving them, and even worse, they can’t go with you! Oh, the agony!  Well you and your pup are in luck! There are a number of locations in the Bryan/College Station area where your pup can tag along! (Just remember to keep your dog up-to-date on their vaccines AND you trust your dog’s behavior around other humans and animals)

While there are many places that dog friendly, here are my following top 5 places to bring your dog…

1. Home Depot/Lowes

This was one of the first places I brought my dog when she was a puppy! It was a great place for her to learn social skills with humans, and big enough that she wouldn’t knock over something I couldn’t afford! We would walk up and down the aisles and she would greet every customer who made contact with her. She loved it! And I loved it because I didn’t have to leave her at home in her crate. Warning: if you plan on doing some heavy shopping, I would recommend two people going so one can handle the pup and the other can load the car! Overall, Home Depot or Lowes is actually my favorite place to take my dog. She was exhausted and ready to take a nap when we got home!

2. Grub Burger

This was the first restaurant my dog visited. Of course we had to sit on the patio but on a warm spring evening, it was great! At Grub Burger, which is located on University Drive next to Smoothie King, you order in the restaurant and then a staff member will direct you to a table. Again, I recommend bringing a friend so one of you can order while the other one takes a seat outside on the patio. My dog loved the attention she got from others sitting outside, but I trusted her to not bother them while they ate. The other 50% of the time, she did what she always does at home: watch me eat and hope something falls for her to munch on! Recommendations: if its hot outside or your dog is prone to overheating, make sure to bring your pup a bowl, then ask your server for some water without ice.

3. The Corner Bar & Rooftop Grill

To be honest, I haven’t actually taken my dog to this grill, but I went with a friend who did, and if I had enough time to eat at this bar more, I would bring my dog as well. His medium-sized Blue Heeler loved being able to sit with all us on the rooftop. Calm by nature he would look over the College Station horizon or snuggle up against someone in our group to be loved on. It was very fun and relaxing to have a drink on a rooftop overlooking the campus while your dog sits at your feet and enjoys the social interaction or just simply watching as people come and go.

4. Torchy’s Tacos

Who doesn’t love a good Torchy’s Taco? I’m pretty sure I favor them over Fuego’s, especially since I can bring my dog too! Again, this is a great place to take your dog with a friend or even a group! They have a great outside patio, big enough for large parties. I’ll give the same advice for Torchy’s as I did for Grub Burger, you’ll want to have a buddy with you so one of you can order, and the other can take a seat outside with the dog. Also this place can get a bit busy during certain times of the year, especially during parent weekends, and before and after football games. Make sure your dog has good social skills and won’t get overwhelmed by the crowd.

5. Lucky Dog D.I.Y Dog Wash

Last, but certainly not least, I highly recommend bringing your dog to this fun, Do-It-Yourself dog wash! You might be asking why would I get my dog washed somewhere when I can hose them down in the backyard, or make them take a shower? Ummm, for multiple reasons! First, their prices are very reasonable, especially with what you get! Unlimited shampoos, conditioners, and brushes, all meant for dogs of different breeds and coats. Second, you’re saving your back! Hey, call me old, but when I’m kneeling over my dog outside, trying to hold his collar, or rubbing my aching knees while my dog tries to escape the wrath of the bathtub faucet, my back and my knees are killing me! This place has custom-sized tubs for humans! So you’re super tall or only 5 feet tall? No problem! Each tub is raised to a certain height and designed so you won’t have to bend over! Third, they clean up everything for you when you leave! Even if your dog decided to have a water fight with you! It’s a dog wash and their friendly staff understands that! Just make sure to leave a good tip for the dog wash attendant afterwards! Lastly, its just plain fun! Your dog’s life revolves around you, and waiting for you to come back home! Why not treat them to a day out at the spa?? For more information about Lucky Dogs, checkout their website here!


Alright so now you know my top 5 places you should visit with your dog! So what are you waiting for?! Grab the leash, roll down the window, and check them out for yourself!

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